Wooden desk with a microphone

Broadcast your message to all the right people

Insightful coverage of public transit issues starts with informed sources. Our team is ready to supplement your story with comprehensive intelligence from the front lines to the headlines. See below for details on opportunities and placements. Contact Association Executive Director at michael@caltransit.org for more information. 

Media kit

Through our dynamic website and our monthly e-magazine, Transit California, we provide valuable partnership and marketing opportunities that deliver results. For more information about advertising opportunities with the California Transit Association, contact Kristian Ross-Patchin at (916) 446-4656, ext. 1492 or kristian@caltransit.org


Advertising on caltransit.org

Advertising on caltransit.org is a great way to reach member and nonmember visitors and to reinforce your marketing messages. We offer several cost-effective opportunities to position your company as a leader in front of an influential group of California public transit professionals. All ads—accepted only as high-resolution.jpg files—will be hyperlinked to the advertiser’s chosen URL. 

Advertising in Transit California

Our signature e-publication, Transit California, reports on the latest news, trends, and happenings in the world of public transportation. Published monthly and distributed to more than 5,400 readers, Transit California is a valuable communications tool for agencies to share best practices and to stay informed about issues that matter to the transit community. 

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